
Avion Networks has woven into its business fabric the ideals of diversity. As a woman and minority owned company, Avion understands the challenges and opportunities that are presented to companies like ours. We appreciate those challenges and opportunities because they make us stronger and more responsible as a company.

Our commitment to diversity goes beyond rhetoric and window dressing. Our annual spend with woman and minority owned companies is consistently above industry standards. Avion Networks’ President served on the Board of Directors of the Georgia Women’s Business Council, the affiliate of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) that is responsible for certifying Women’s Business Enterprises in Georgia. She also serves on the WBENC Global Business Committee which is charged with expanding woman owned business opportunities across the globe.

Avion Networks has been actively involved in Supplier Diversity Initiatives with our corporate clients and partners. The founder was an original participant in the State of Georgia’s Mentor-Protégé Program. We had the good fortune of participating in a similar Program with Southern Company & Accenture.

We have invested the time, energy, and resources as an expression of our commitment to supplier diversity. It is an important part of what we do as a company. It is just as important to our clients and partners. They understand the value propositions that are imbedded in supplier diversity that include:

  • Lower Costs
  • Greater Agility
  • Hunger To Succeed
  • Higher Level Customer Care

What is most important is to deliver the highest quality for the lowest reasonable cost. Our goal is to do that and, at the same time, consistently exceed client expectations. When we do that, what emerges is a consensus that diversity is the right thing to do.