Global Conference and Member Meeting

As a TIA board member, Kanchana Raman will host industry leaders Susan Johnson AT&T, James Gowen Verizon, Cyril Pourrat BT. They represent companies that have made huge commitments towards emerging technologies. We will hear first hand what they expect from OEMs, SIs, and vendor communities as 5G networks and applications are widely deployed and expanded. 

Impact of 5G in Small Business

Kanchana Raman in conversation with Lourdes Charles, AT&T  Shaun McCarthy, Cisco  as part of the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council (GMSDC) National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDCHQ) 

Kanchana Raman speaks at International women’s day on Investing in diverse teams with the God father of angel investing Sig Mosley

Kanchana V Raman, President and CEO at Avion Networks, takes part in International Women’s Day event, celebrating women of colour at MSDUK.

Kanchana Raman Appointed as Treasurer for TIA

Kanchana Raman in a fire side chat with Aparna Khurjekar

Delivering a Memorable Customer Experience In session 5 of the TiE Women Connect Series, Aparna Khurjekar, Chief Customer Officer for the Verizon Consumer Group will be in conversation with host Kanachana Raman ( (co-lead of the mini-series). During the session, Aparna will discuss her journey, keys to her success to emerge as a strategic leader […]

Celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week with Kanchana V Raman Raman

Emory University – Goizueta Business School Continuing the celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week with Kanchana V Raman Raman 12MEMBA, Goizueta Entrepreneur in Residence, and founder, president and CEO of Avion Networks, Inc. “Don’t prematurely fall in love with your solution. Continue to pay attention to better understand the problem you are solving for the customer: allow your business […]

Kanchana Raman in a fire side chat with Jennifer Sims

Join us episode 2 of the #TiEwomen Connect Mini-Series – #Pivoting During Challenging Times – in a #FiresideChat with Jennifer Sims, CEO PowerandTel Solution, in a conversation with our Committee member Kanchana V Raman! Pivoting During Challenging Times – A Fireside Chat with Jennifer Sims (TiE Women Connect Mini Series, Ep 2) Registration, . | TiE

Industry 4.0 discussing the impact of 5G for ATEA

Kanchana Raman made a presentation on Industry 4.0 discussing the impact of 5G for ATEA.